We felt the pressure during lockdown to continue to provide fleet software support to our customers – and we know they felt the pressure too! We were determined not to add to their stress so we made it a priority to clear the way so we could work at full capacity with sales and technical support – even with agents working from home. Just like everyone else, the uncertainty of lockdown made us nervous and we weren’t sure it would all go to plan. To compound matters, we provide fleet software support to customers and prospects globally and this meant dealing with different time zones, lockdown legislation, rules, regulations and fiscal issues. However, we’re proud to report that we did it! Bynx’s solution customers continued to enjoy the same high level of fleet software support and attention they always get – even though our physical offices were closed. We offered no excuses, delays or recorded messages. It’s also testament to our continued investment in our own I.T. systems and infrastructure. We’re less nervous now, having done this and can face the future confidently, no matter how uncertain it may be.