Back to Business for fleet, leasing and mobility providers

Bynx Back to Business Ebook

Returning to a new normal for vehicle fleet, leasing and mobility operators is not going to be easy.

Determined to do everything we can to get ourselves and our customers back to business, we’ve researched, compiled and published a 21- page dosser: Getting Fleet, Leasing and Mobility Back to Business, which you can download for free here.

For some, lockdown has entailed quickly adapting to new opportunities and ways of working. For others, business, as they knew it, has been decimated. They’ve had to turn and face the proverbial blank drawing board.  

We’ve gathered information, expert views and potential strategies that will help prepare fleet, vehicle leasing and mobility businesses for a new future. The purpose is to help navigate the uncertain journey that lies ahead with leadership and insight. We’ve also included details about technology and fleet innovations that can support the transition as the demands and requirements of business will undoubtedly change.

The 21-page dossier goes into detail about the following topics and more. You can read a review of it here:

  • Protecting cash-flow (the lifeblood of every organisation).
  • Driving revenues, reviewing risk management (and why it matters more than ever).
  • Re-examining mobility options and fleet right-sizing.
  • Re-evaluating fleet policy, systems and innovation.
  • Operational fleet management, outsourcing.
  • Policy compliance and management reporting.

Gary Jefferies, Bynx sales and marketing director, is the lead editor, Keith Allen BSc FCA, consultant – is the consultant contributor and Alison Pittaway, Written Content Plus – author and editor.

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